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Why are the Scandinavians so happy?

Norway, Sweden and Denmark have often been voted the happiest countries in the world. But is that really true, and if it is, how can that be?

The Britt Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall seeks the answer in his broadcast show Scandimania, and his journey takes him to Samsoe to meet up with Søren Hermansen, and they have a talk about how Samsoe became Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a well know chef, mostly famous for his TV show about River Cottage and his efforts in sustainable production of quality produce.

The episode of Scandimania can be seen below. The full length of the show is worth the watch, but you can skip to 33:43 and go to the part about Samsoe directly.

1 comment

  1. RT @EnergiAkademiet: Nyt på (translation available): Hvorfor er skandinaverne så lykkelige? – htt…

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