In collaboration with the Secretariat of the European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017 Samso Energy Academy recently had a number of key sustainability stakeholders in the engine room of the sustainability track of 2017. Represented at the workshop in Aarhus were among others Aarhus University, The Energy City of Skive, Randers Art Museum, Aarhus Food Festival, the design company; Made by Makers and Horsens Prison.
The workshop marked the launch of the new role of the Energy Academy as an operational partner in the sustainability area of Aarhus 2017.
The workshop is the first in a series that aims to upgrade the selected 2017 projects around the Central Region Denmark to become ambassadors of the 2017s core values of sustainability and community involvement. The next workshop in the series will take place on 22-23rd October 2014 where Samso Energy Academy will be the host. The main issue is to show the good examples and inspire others to take action.
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