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Samsø Energy Academy

The academy is the knowledge resource centre where Samsø’s know-how and hands-on experience with the Danish energy island’s renewable energy projects, from on-shore and off-shore windturbines and straw-based district heating to solar collectors and canola oil tractors, as well as the island transition to an energy island, is organised and mediated. The academy is a conference centre where businesses and branch organisations, scientists or politicians can find suitable settings for relevant thematic discussions of renewable energy, energy savings or new technology. The academy also boasts state of the art public exhibits and an energy school program for visiting school classes on field trips to Samsø.

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The Samsø Energy and Environmental office

This membership organisation has about 100 members on the island. The Energy Office is the island energy organisation with the most direct relationship with the public at large. Membership is voluntary and open for whoever is interested, and costs 250 Danish crowns a year (about $40 US), including a subscription to a nationally produced magazine, Råstof, with interesting articles on renewable energy and ecological building practises.

The organisation is member of the NGO network, International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE). In 2007, the organisation hosted the General Meeting of INFORSE-Europe at the Samsø Energy Academy. The event was combined with an international RE Conference celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Samsø RE-island and the 15-year anniversary of INFORSE. More on INFORSE: and more on the event: seminar 07 Samso

The Energy Service Denmark

This is an affiliation of Energy Service offices in Denmark. There is one Energy Service officer on Samsø. The affiliation objective is to produce and disseminate objective information about renewable energy and energy savings to the general public, schools and carpenters, plumbers and other tradesmen who advise customers on energy related issues. Individuals can contact the Energy Service to get impartial advice about investments in a solar collector and home improvements and better insulation.

Energitjenesten logo

See. (English summary)

Samsø Energy Agency

Samsø Energy Agency (SEA) offices on Samsø, Tenerife and Island collaborate on energy issues, primarily exchanging viewpoints and experiences from their local objectives. SEA has participated actively in the realization of the Energy Academy. Now that this is a reality, SEA will now as an intergrated part of the Energy Academy work for and advise on the implementation and use of renewable energy, including hydrogen technologies, in the Danish region of Central Jutland, as well as advise public and private bodies on matters of energy savings. SEA is a regional EU (European Union) energy office, and is therefore in part financed by Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE). The SEA was initially known as the Save Energy Agency.

Samsø Energy Company

The Samsø Energy Company coordinated several larger energy projects in the first years of the energy island project (1998 – 2005) – the ten off-shore wind turbines, eleven land-based wind turbines and several district heating plants. The company is no longer active.

Samsø Renewable Energy Ltd.

This is the company formed to own and operate the five offshore wind turbines financed by the island municipality. The company can allocate company profits to energy projects and has already supported the Energy Academy with a grant of three million crowns ( $600,000 US).

Samsø Development Office

The island municipality started the Development Office to brand the island as a good place to live and work, to advise and assist the local business community and to promote island tourism. The development Office has been very active and supportive in the Energy Academy’s fundraising.

The Island Municipality of Samsø

Windmills from Samsø DenmarkSamsø municipality has helped the Energy Academy with a substantial grant in the initial building fase, and has co-signed funding applications prepared in collaboration with the Development office. The municipality owns 5 of the 10 off-shore wind turbines and has invested more than 125 million Danish crowns ($ 25 million US) in renewable energy. The investment in off-shore wind power is generating a profit which in part has been used to finance the Samsø Energy Academy.

The Danish county, Århus County

This regional level of government has, together with Samsø Municipality, funded a network project which has greatly improved interaction between research centres, the business community in the county and renewable energy organisations. Århus County has also actively participated in joint fundraising activities to obtain financial support from the European Union.
